Wednesday, Nov. 8
6.30 - 7.00
Social Event: Morning Run
Join the morning run to prepare for a day of learning and networking. We will run about 25 minutes at a relaxed pace.
We meet in front of Radisson Blu - the conference venue
8.00 - 9.00
Breakfast & Registration
The conversation starts at breakfast. Have one or several cups of coffee and get a great start to the rest of the day.
9.00 - 9.15
Welcome to the conference by our host Janus Boye
9.15 - 10.00
Keynote: Lessons from the canvas - Dodging the digital wasteland
For digital experiences to suck less... For your website to stop being so incredibly boring... You need to transform your world of incremental improvements, reliance on CRO tactics, and cut through all internal fights over who gets to have the most pixels on your homepage.
Design thinking and other innovation processes helped. But those methods don't always lead to high-quality digital moments.
This opening keynote will tell you about those who know the most about how to insist on the quality of the end result of your digital experiences.
Are you ready to insist on brilliance and obliterate the boring?
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee, tea & networking
10.30 - 12.00
The age of composable: redefining skills and make-up of your content team
Moving to a composable architecture with headless or decoupled content technology is making many organisations wonder:
“How will my content team be able to use them”?
In this session, we’ll look at how content skills and roles (especially content strategists) are evolving and specialising, how technical and organisational architecture should align, and what that means for the future of content teams.
Download slides (PDF)
10.30 - 12.00
Rethinking headless CMS with visual collaboration and live preview
Headless CMS is no longer the new kid on the block. Enterprise adoption is happening quickly, but along with that come some myths that we'd like to bust!
Join us for an exciting and interactive session as we dive into the world of Headless CMS and explore how modern features, like layout composition, visual collaboration and live preview, can revolutionize the way you manage your content.
Key Takeaways:
Modern User Expectations: Discover why users now demand a more contemporary experience from web software. We'll delve into the evolving landscape and discuss how expectations have shifted towards a dynamic and collaborative environment.
The New De-facto Standards: Explore the rise of live collaboration features, including "who is here" functionality, drawing inspiration from the seamless experiences offered by Google Docs and Office 365. Learn why these features are becoming the industry standard and how they can transform your content management workflows.
Enterprise Solutions: Uncover the needs of enterprise users who are seeking an easier way to visualize their Headless CMS content on the primary front-end – their website. Gain insights into how a modern Headless CMS can meet these expectations and provide a smoother editing and preview process.
Live Session Highlights
Breaking the Tradeoff Myth: Witness how Headless CMS can coexist harmoniously with WYSIWYG editors, allowing you to maintain a modern design system without compromising on live preview experiences.
Agility in Action: Immerse yourself in a live demo featuring Agility, showcasing a revolutionary collaborative experience. Experience co-editing of items in real-time, witness the power of live preview functionality, explore the "who is here" presence feature, and discover the impact of visual commenting on your content creation process.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to reshape the way you think about Headless CMS. Join us for an engaging session where we'll bridge the gap between modern design expectations and powerful, collaborative content management. Together, let's redefine the future of digital experiences!
10.30 - 12.00
Building a Culture of Design
Reports say design-led companies have outperformed the S&P 500 by 219% over the past ten years.
A strong culture of design can positively impact a company's performance, from financial success and customer satisfaction to innovation and talent retention.
In this session, Darshan will tell you how we built a culture of design at Hygraph and how you can apply our practical insights to your company.
Download slides (PDF)
UX design maturity - Expectations vs. Reality: A look into the common pitfalls and how to overcome them
- Organisation of design in the company and the hidden consequences we discover too late
- “Selling” design to the non believers
- Getting started on the maturity journey tips and tricks
Bring your own challenges and get input from peers and experts alike
Download slides (PDF)
10.30 - 12.00
The Next 10 Years: AI-powered Content Value Design
We are transitioning from an "attention economy" to a "intimacy economy" where we need to build relationships that are sincere and honest, based on earned intimacy and real consent, are mutually beneficial and respectful, and involve real two-way dialogues.
Only then will people sign up for your newsletter, trust you with their data and with their online transactions, and trust your partners, suppliers, and recommendations.
We need to support our audiences along (profitable) learning journeys to build up these intimate relationships.
In this session, we'll
- Show how the transformative power of AI can accelerate the development of rich audience journey maps to support true content value design
- Discuss how making the abstract audience journey tangible for stakeholders of all kinds facilitates collaboration around intimacy
- Understand how including metrics, structure, and analytics from the start is the key to mastering the future of content operations and strategy
- Look at real-world case examples that showcase the effectiveness of this approach in action.
Download slides (as PDF)
10.30 - 12.00
Culture development that works – Towards agile organisational development
Most organizations have started to understand they can’t go on working like in the 90s. But stories of culture change where the organisation really, really changed?
Not so many, and definitely not with change management from the 90s. Time for an update.
I’m going to share how we can look at organizations, how transformation works in complex contexts and how to differentiate symptoms from root problems. But mostly, I’ll take you with me into my experiences from all kinds of rather conservative companies who started the journey – what went well, what red flags to look for?
Prepare for practical insights into principles and levers that help you move an organizational culture - and those you can skip.
How to adopt a truly multicultural work environment
What have I learned from adopting a multicultural work environment in a small homogeneous country like Denmark and perhaps, more importantly, what you might you learn from these lessons that you can use to shape and improve your employee experience
10.30 - 12.00
Digital is physical - representing the physical resources your digital estate consumes
It can be surprising to think that digital services have their own carbon footprint, consume water and are built upon fifty of the world’s ninety naturally occurring elements, many from conflict areas.
So digital is best thought of as a physical entity, not floating harmlessly in a cloud somewhere else. Digital comes from the environment around us and right now we’re taking more than our fair share.
In this interactive session we’ll dive into the topic of digital sustainability and think about these three key resources: greenhouse gases, water and rare raw materials.
We’ll learn about where these resources come from, how can we quantify them in relation to our digital use, and share ideas about what your organisation can do to make a difference.
Download slides (as PDF)
Why is there a complete lack of focus on digital sustainability and what can we do about it?
Details coming later
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.45
Digital Experience is a team sport
Join us for an insightful discussion on the evolution of digital experience platforms (DXP) and the importance of inclusive collaboration among all team members.
The traditional approach of the monolithic DXP, while catering to marketers, often neglected the developer experience.
As a result, the industry witnessed a shift towards SaaS headless CMS tools designed exclusively for developers, inadvertently leaving marketers behind.
Pieter will shed light on Sitecore's visionary perspective on the future of DXPs—the concept of a composable DXP.
Sitecore recognizes the significance of embracing a team-oriented approach to building compelling digital experiences. Whether you're a business leader, marketer, IT professional, or developer, Sitecore's vision focuses on the needs of every team member.
In this session you will gain valuable insights into how Sitecore is bridging the gap between marketers and developers, fostering collaboration, and empowering every individual involved in the digital experience journey.
13.00 - 13.45
Why should we do research on sustainability before designing anything?
Why is it essential to study sustainability before starting design work?
In this session Nina from will explore the reasons behind this importance.
She'll discuss the top 3 lessons learned by the Sustainability Research team while studying this subject. It highlights the value of research on the product and company strategy, to contribute to a more responsible world.
Download slides (as PDF)
13.00 - 13.45
Digital maturity assessments and models, how to use them and why they’re important
Your organisation wants to focus its limited resources, time and people on the digital activities that will deliver most value to its users. But how does it do this? And where is the organisation in its digital transformation journey?
Digital maturity assessments give an organisational snapshot of how where an organisation is on its digital journey and alongside digital maturity models, how they compare against others.
This digital snapshot alongside corporate strategy, can be used as a focus to build a digital strategy that best suits an organisations individual needs.
This is a diverse topic area with many assessment and maturity models available - this presentation aims to summarise some of them and provide a guide for anyone wanting to use this approach.
13.00 - 13.45
Focus and flow: Personal productivity and sustainable pace for all knowledge workers
Many knowledge workers spend their days drowning in inboxes and doing hectic multitasking. This is silly. Because there are several principles and techniques which provide focus and flow. This is called 'Personal Productivity'.
Personal Productivity is about staying on top of all tasks enabling you to prioritise what is important. It is about keeping a calm focus during the day making sure you deliver quality efficiently and make fewer mistakes. It is also about taking breaks and time off ensuring that you thrive and keep your balance.
It is about creating a much better and sustainable employee experience.
In this talk Line Hviid will tell you why Personal Productivity is so important for all knowledge workers. She will also give you a couple of tips and tricks so you can get started as soon as she stops talking.
13.00 - 13.45
Challenging the status quo
A look behind-the-scenes of the Icelandic government websites, where an experienced team is gearing up for a relaunch, while navigating a complex governance model.
13.45 - 14.00
Coffee, tea & networking
14.00 - 15.00
Come join 2 x 25 minutes of informal roundtable discussions to get answers on your specific questions or help others by sharing your expert knowledge.
15.00 - 15.15
Coffee, tea & networking
15.15 - 16.00
Don’t get stuck on legacy. The real story about composable and agency dependencies
Developing a modern and composable setup drives many new challenges, that you need to understand and mitigate – suchs as:
- More vendors - More complexity
- More orchestration - More custom code
- More custom code - More agency lock-in
In world where composability and MACH is on many agendas, it is important to understand the actual business needs and how you in the future can avoid many of the pitfalls of complexity, custom code/technical debt and agency lock-in.
Peter Munk (Global Equistrian Group) and Toke Lund (Enterspeed) has both worked in the LEGO Group and Salling Group together, and nowadays they are engaging in a customer and buyer relationship with the clear target of simplifying the tech stack (incl. CMS), use standards and avoiding agency lock-in.
15.15 - 16.00
To organise, or not to organise
The UX profession has over that past 40'ish years established itself within SW development. Moved from an afterthought to a strategic component.
Most mature professions have "Special Interest Groups" and conferences where new knowledge is shared and developed among practitioners and researchers. Mature fields also often have a "political" branch of organisation that handle the working conditions and standards for this field.
In this session we will discuss what benefits, or not, could come from a unionised organisation of UX professionals.
Download slides (as PDF)
15.15 - 16.00
How to Thrive in a Turbulent and Demanding World: The Open and Emergent Approach to Strategy
Imagine you are the CEO of a company that is facing a major disruption in your industry. You have a well-crafted strategy that was developed by your top management team and approved by your board of directors. But as the situation changes rapidly, you realize that your strategy is no longer relevant or effective. What do you do?
You could stick to your plan and hope for the best, or you could adopt an open and emergent approach to strategy. This approach is based on the idea that change is not a linear or predictable process, but a continuous, open-ended, and cumulative one. It requires you to be flexible, innovative, and collaborative, and to constantly align and re-align your organization to its changing environment.
In this presentation, I will explain what an open and emergent approach to strategy is, why it is needed in today’s complex and uncertain world, and how you can implement it in your own organisation. I will also share some examples of specific tools you can use.
If you are interested in learning how to create a more open, adaptive, and resilient organisation, join me for this exciting and informative session!
15.15 - 16.00
How to combine talent attraction with employee engagement
The value of your employer brand is your employee experience
The thing is; Employer Branding is as big an internal discipline as external.
So why are we not giving our employees (and candidates) the same digital, personalised, well-communicated experience with our brand as we’re giving our customers?
15.15 - 16.00
After 30+ AI projects - How can we work towards common governance and platforms?
During the last few years Aarhus Kommune have participated in more than 30 projects with AI as a major ingredient.
Join this session where Thomas will present a selection of these, and discuss our thoughts on how we can establish a common base for lowering the barriers to scaling the results.
16.00 - 16.15
Coffee, tea & networking
16.15 - 17.00
Small Feature Award
What’s the small feature that really makes the product way better? Is it a small design change, an elegantly engineered new piece of functionality or something else?
In this new contest, we celebrate the unsung heroes of the workplace: The small features that make all the difference.
18.30 - 21.30
Social Event: Networking Dinner
Location: Aarhus Street Food
All participants and speakers are invited to the conference networking dinner. This is quite a popular party!